New Year/New Site

New Year's Eve 2008, amongst my many New Year's Resolutions, I resolved to paint more. At that point I had only completed 14 paintings over 2 years and received extremely positive feedback (both verbal and monetary). 

Reflecting on what I was able to accomplish in 2009, I completed over 30 pieces. I branched out from painting pieces for family members and into the world of friends and co-workers. I sold old paintings. I had my art on display at the Starbucks in Neptune (thanks to my friend and fellow artist Ali Taylor). A total stranger called me to tell me that she had "an eye" for art and that she thought I would be huge some day. It seemed the more I painted the better the response I got from it.

Then we come to 2010. It's time to really move forward with this. I've been getting good press in the internet world amongst gamers:

GameSetWatch article on my Fat Princess paintings

GameSetWatch article on my Left 4 Dead 2 painting

Painting is something that makes me happy. I can sit for a weekend straight working on one painting, and I don't feel a moment is wasted. Creating makes life worthwhile for me, and hopefully as I focus more on that, I'll be able to move it from something I enjoy doing, to something I enjoy doing and am able to live off of.

There's going to be a lot going on here, so please check back and spread the word!

2010 is going to be a great year.